Author Archives: Tony

A Man on a Mission in China.

Hudson Taylor had always been a man deeply rooted in his faith, but it wasn’t until he set foot in China that his calling truly unfolded.
For over 50 years, he dedicated his life to spreading the message of Christianity, not through force or imposition, but through understanding and respect for the Chinese culture.

In his mission work, he often found himself grappling with the weight of expectations, both from within the church and from the world around him.
The burden seemed heavy, stifling the free movement of the church, and hindering its accessibility to those in need. Yet, in these challenges, there were moments of unexpected grace.

One such moment came when a letter arrived from a lawyer in England, providing a timely financial provision that would sustain their work until the regular remittance arrived.
It was a reminder that even amid uncertainty, God’s provision was always at hand.

But along with the physical challenges, there were also spiritual battles to contend with.
Hudson Taylor witnessed first-hand the struggles of non-Christians, their minds torn by internal conflicts and external pressures.
He understood that it was not through force or coercion that hearts would be won, but through the transformative power of God’s love.

During it all, Hudson Taylor remained steadfast in his faith, drawing strength from the promises of scripture.
He clung to the words of prophets past, knowing that God’s plans would ultimately prevail, even in the face of adversity.

As he navigated the complexities of his mission, Hudson Taylor found solace in the words of his new friends.
Together, they embraced the shifting tides of financial success, riding the wave of God’s provision with unwavering faith.

In Britain, the restoration of churches was championed by a dedicated group of individuals, each driven by their own deep faith and commitment to the cause.
They understood that true restoration could only come from a place of genuine worship and praise, where congregations overflowed with the spirit of God.

Through it all, Hudson Taylor remained a beacon of hope, his unwavering faith inspiring countless others to follow in his footsteps.
For him, the journey was not just about spreading the message of Christianity, but about embodying its core principles of love, grace, and humility.
And in that, he found his true calling.

During the chaos and uncertainty swirling around them, there was a sense of divine intervention, a mighty rushing wind that seemed to breathe life into their weary souls.
It was more than just a gust of wind; it carried with it a promise of restoration and empowerment, like a fresh second wind after a long journey.
And in that moment, they felt the presence of Jesus, releasing upon them a fresh anointing, marking them for the journey ahead.

As they journeyed through life, they encountered challenges and obstacles, but they held onto faith, knowing that they were not alone.
They understood that in the face of intensifying circumstances, they couldn’t rely solely on natural wisdom or information.
A season was coming where they would need to move forward guided by God’s intelligence and prophetic insight.

Amidst the changes and transitions, they found themselves moving to a new state, seeking new opportunities and beginnings.
It was a leap of faith, but one they knew they had to take.
Along the way, they encountered unexpected mentors and guides, who provided guidance and support.

Their journey echoed the biblical story of Elijah, who prayed for rain during a drought and witnessed the miraculous downpour that followed.
Just as Elijah’s prayers were answered, they too experienced moments of divine intervention and provision.

During their journey, they encountered moments of connection and friendship, a reminder of the importance of community and support.
And through it all, they clung to memories and dreams, finding solace in the familiar and the hopeful.

As they faced challenges and uncertainties, they relied on their faith, knowing that true strength comes from God alone.
Despite the storms raging around them, they held onto hope, trusting in the promise of better days ahead.

And as they continued their journey, they found themselves surrounded by a community of believers, digging out the wells of salvation together.
They understood that their struggles were not in vain, but part of a larger story of redemption and restoration.

Through it all, they held onto the promise that they were not alone, that God was with them every step of the way.
And as they journeyed through life’s twists and turns, they found comfort in the knowledge that their story was part of a greater narrative, guided by a divine hand.


By Tony Egar.


The Turmoil within Sarah

The Intercessor’s Burden had woken Sarah that night, a crushing weight pressing on her spirit. It was time to intercede, pray for someone lost in the dark. Details swirled – a man named Houston, money troubles, a legal storm brewing.

“I open my heart to your gift of salvation,” she whispered, sending her prayer skyward. But the wind seemed to mock her, twisting it into a chaotic vortex with other unseen pleas. Sarah knew the power of money, its corrupting influence. Could Houston be redeemed from its grasp?

A voice, gentle but firm, echoed in her mind, “It truly is beyond your wildest dreams.” Hope flickered. Then, a flood of information – Houston, a successful businessman with properties scattered across continents. But wealth couldn’t shield him from the consequences of his actions.

The burden intensified as memories surfaced. Sarah had felt this crushing weight before, interceding for others. Once for a man who had strayed, leading him back to his family. Another time, for a city shrouded in despair. Each victory brought exhaustion, but also a deep sense of purpose.

“Thank you for forgiving my sins through Jesus Christ,” Sarah murmured, a wave of gratitude washing over her. This wasn’t about accruing merit, but about the transformative power of faith. The wind seemed to soften, carrying a whisper, “It’s your turn now.”

Sarah smiled. The path wouldn’t be easy, but she wasn’t alone. With renewed strength, she continued her prayers, a silent warrior interceding for Houston’s redemption.

In the midst of swirling chaos, a moment of clarity emerged. Houston stood amidst the tumult, his heart laid bare before the tempest. It was as if the winds themselves carried away the veils of deception, stripping bare the false authority and misplaced trust.

Money, once a cornerstone of power, now seemed a fragile construct, its influence tenuous as the whirlwind of change swept through. The pillars of law and order trembled under the weight of uncertainty, their foundations shaken by the shifting sands of accountability.

But amidst the upheaval, a whisper of promise lingered in the air. “It truly is beyond your wildest dreams,” echoed a voice, carrying with it the scent of newfound liberation. Houston felt the weight of his burdens lifted, as if a heavy yoke had been cast aside.

With a newfound clarity, Houston surveyed the landscape of his life. Properties and partnerships, once symbols of success, now paled in comparison to the richness of his restored soul. The darkness that had clouded his vision was dispelled, replaced by a radiant light of redemption.

In the depths of the night, Houston had wrestled with unseen forces, his spirit heavy with the burden of intercession. But now, as dawn broke upon the horizon, he felt a renewed sense of purpose stirring within him. The journey ahead would not be easy, but he faced it with courage born of faith.

As Houston embraced the dawn of a new day, he knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges. Yet, he also knew that he did not walk alone. With each step forward, he felt the presence of a guiding hand, leading him ever closer to the promise of salvation.

And so, with a heart overflowing with gratitude, Houston lifted his voice in praise. “Thank you for forgiving my sins through Jesus Christ,” he whispered, his words carried aloft on the wings of faith. This, indeed, was a life-changing moment, the beginning of a journey that would lead him to the very heart of redemption.

By Tony Egar.

All of our giving is Voluntary

You are free to give or not to give.
Your money is yours to do with as you please.
The book of Acts has a great story regarding this topic.
Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property.
With his wife’s full knowledge,
he kept back part of the money for himself,
but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet.

[Acts 5:1-2]
This couple were making a big mistake.
No-one forced them to sell their property.
But they were acting as if they “HAD” to give this money.
Let us see what Peter says about their financial obligation to the church.
Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold?
And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal?”
[Acts 5:4]
Peter tells the husband, the money was theirs before they sold the property.
And it was still their money after the sale.
They were unaware their giving was voluntary.
How would this influence the way I would run a church?
“If I was taking over an established church?”
I would not be brave enough, to start telling everyone they were free.
To give or not to give.
It would be a lot safer if I said nothing.
But what about a new church!
“I could preach this message in the first morning service.”
I could tell everyone that ours would be a debt-free church.
And the theme of the church would be,
to get everyone in the church out of debt.
No-one would feel any pressure to give.
I would tell the board not to take out any loans.
And to buy things…only when we had the money.
The church could lead by example.
The people in the congregation would see how it is done.
They would be inspired by what they saw and their faith would get a boost.
I would call it the “Debt-Free Church.”
Then I would turn the emphasis onto evangelism.
We would have such an advantage.
The media are always accusing the church of,
” Only wanting people’s money.”
Our congregation would be able to say that our church never asks for money and never talks about money.
So, everyone could invite their friends and workmates knowing the minister would not get up and talk about money.
If it needed to be mentioned, that could happen at a mid-week meeting.
Sundays would become celebrations of our salvation.
Instead of celebrating a financial target being met.

Tony Egar.

Revival in a Day

I want to take you back to the moment when you first heard that voice – a voice that resonated with divine purpose and set in motion a series of events that would change your life forever.
In the face of challenges, you uttered, “No problem!” and clung to the belief that a higher power was orchestrating divine set-ups and encounters.
The scripture spoke to your situation, promising a fresh baptism of the Spirit and fire of love, an exponential increase that could be felt deep within.

“They were just so good to me,” you recall, echoing the sentiment of gratitude for the unexpected blessings and encounters that have graced your journey.
The promise of doubled inheritances and the restoration of broken hearts and marriages fills the air with hope and anticipation.

As you navigated the intricate workings of motivation, you chose to let others go their way, declaring that it is their road, be it a low or high one.
And in this declaration, you found rescue and fruitfulness, making it indeed a not-so-bad day’s work for all involved.

And here you stand, having followed your heart, and believed in your idea, wielding a position of power where others must play by your rules.
Your “Will” dictates the distribution of blessings.

Reflecting on the last 25 years as Christians, we’ve witnessed and heard about revivals across various locations.

The terminology surrounding these revivals often includes start and finish dates, attempting to measure their duration.

The Lord has revealed that in your comeback, you are destined to emerge stronger in the revelation of His Word.
I declare that a new season awaits you—a season of profound revelation and a deepening understanding of the power inherent in His Word.

Let us draw inspiration from the story of Joseph, who, after the departure of the wise men, received divine guidance through angels in a dream.
These heavenly messengers imparted information that led Joseph towards a new direction, not just for himself but for the future of his family.
In this moment, envision your life as a well-watered garden, flourishing with the wisdom and guidance bestowed upon you by the Almighty.

As Joseph received a message to make his own, so too are you being given a divine message to carry forward.
It is a message filled with the richness of God’s Word.

Consider the story of Peter who, through a spiritual encounter with God, was instructed to change his attitude towards the Gentiles. Amidst this spiritual language and vision, a knock at the door brought an unexpected turn of events—a group of men requesting him to speak at the house of a Gentile.
Embracing this divine invitation, he found himself in a revival the very next day.
In your journey, be open to the unexpected twists and turns orchestrated by the divine, for they may lead to a revival in your own life.

Recently, I encountered someone whose life has taken a turn for the better.
Even during challenges, there is a noticeable difference in the way she carries herself.
It’s as if she has been adorned with a regal destiny—an effect you might liken to a gold medal.
The normal has become abnormal, showcasing the extraordinary work of God’s grace in her life.

As we navigate the complexities of our individual journeys, let us hold fast to the promise that the Lord is releasing an abundance of revelation regarding His Word.
Embrace the unexpected, change your attitude in alignment with His will, and be prepared for the revival that awaits you.

The Lord declares, ‘Dreams are coming to pass SUDDENLY.’

In this divine proclamation, the Lord assures us that He has saved the best until last.
Promotion and favour are cascading upon people who have wholeheartedly said, “YES,” and are walking faithfully in His ways. The revivalists among us are now being called forth.
You have been prepared for such a time as this.
Do not hide, for now is the time to ARISE and SHINE.
As you are called forth, know that you have been equipped with ALL that you need to accomplish ALL that He is asking you to do in your place of influence.

His abundance flows within you, and you carry the richness of His grace and favour.
May you be surrounded by the generosity of others, both spiritually and materially.

The book of Hebrews reminds us that God calls another day “Today.”

Today, you were introduced to the Son of God Himself.
Before this divine encounter, limits held you in check, and opposition stood unified in its attempt to thwart your progress.
But now, a new era has dawned.

In the journey of faith, some may find themselves growing bored with revival.
This boredom often arises when individuals cease to receive a touch from God, or if they do experience a touch from heaven, they consider it sufficient and move on, ceasing to enter His presence continually.

May you embrace this divine call to arise, shine, and enter a season of unprecedented favour and expansion.
May the wells of His presence overflow in your life, and may you walk boldly in the assignments appointed for you.


The Red Sea of Our Doubts

Can you hear the voices of slaves escaping?
For generations, the crushing yoke of Pharaoh, their dreams of freedom fading.
Then Moses, the promised deliverer, leading them towards the Promised Land.
The journey was arduous, doubt filling their hearts.
Yet, they pressed on, driven by a yearning for a life beyond the shackles of slavery.

But then, they reached the Red Sea.
A colossal wall of water, an obstacle, stood between them and their destiny.
Fear, tried to block them, gripping their minds.
The Israelites, weary and demoralized, questioned Moses, their voices laced with despair: “Didn’t we say in Egypt,
‘Let us alone while we serve the Egyptians’?
Was it better to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness?”

Have you ever stood at your own Red Sea?
A mountain of uncertainty, threatening to engulf your aspirations and drown your faith? Perhaps it’s a looming career decision, a strained relationship, or the anxiety of an uncertain future.
We all face our Red Seas, moments when the tide of doubt threatens to pull us under.

But look closer, friends!
In the midst of the Israelites’ despair, God’s voice boomed through Moses:
“Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on!”

He wants us to move, to take the first step, even when the path ahead is unclear.

And Moses?
He didn’t cower before the Red Sea.
He didn’t succumb to the Israelites’ panic.
Instead, he declared with unwavering faith:
“Stand firm and you will see a way through today!”
Moses had faith for God to make a way.

Remember Peter and John, dragged before the Sanhedrin, accused of blasphemy?
Did they tremble in fear?
No, they stood before their accusers, filled with the Holy Spirit, their voices ringing with conviction:
“Salvation is found in no one else.”
Their confidence wasn’t rooted in their own strength, but in the power of the message they carried, the unyielding truth of the gospel.

The antidote to doubt, the weapon against fear, is the gospel itself.
When we share the message of Christ’s love and sacrifice, we are not just proclaiming a truth, we are wielding a divine power.
We are stepping onto the battlefield of our own Red Seas, armed with the unwavering conviction that God can part the waters and lead us to victory.

So, when you face your own Red Sea, remember Moses, remember Peter and John.
Remember that doubt and fear are not your enemies, but opportunities to demonstrate your faith.
Take a deep breath, feel the Holy Spirit’s fire ignite within you, and proclaim the gospel, not just to others, but to your own trembling heart.

For in the depths of our Red Seas, God awaits, ready to part the waters and lead us to the Promised Land of our dreams.
We will move forward with the unwavering confidence, that with God, nothing is impossible.

We have all felt the whispers of doubt, the sting of low self-esteem?
We yearn for moments of clarity, days when we feel truly in sync with our purpose.
But sometimes, it’s easy to get lost in the noise, the endless loop of “what ifs” and “should haves.”

Amidst the confusion, there’s a day etched in our hearts when everything fell into place.
Remember that day?
The day you embraced Christ, the day God’s grace transformed you. In that moment, amidst the uncertainties, you got something undeniably right.
You opened your heart to love, to purpose, to a connection that transcends all.

From that day, the Holy Spirit became your guide, Jesus your constant companion.
You carry within you the most powerful message ever spoken, a message of transformation.
Now, let’s not bury this gift under burdens of self-doubt.
Let’s allow it to ignite a fire within, a fire that compels us to reach out, to build a community of support.

Remember, our salvation isn’t just a personal triumph; it’s a call to action.
Let’s step out, with humble hearts and overflowing faith, ready to share the light that shines within us with the world.
Not to celebrate fleeting victories, but live a life worthy of the call – a life of compassion, and unwavering faith.
Let our confidence resonate from the enduring truth that, in receiving Christ, we got it absolutely right.



Rethinking Beauty

Compassion and Authenticity.
Lets delve into a topic that touches us all: our perception of beauty, both within and without.
As the Bible verse in Ephesians reminds us, “No-one ever hated their own body.” Yet, we all know this truth can be challenged by the harsh realities of our world.

Eating disorders, self-loathing, and societal pressures to conform to narrow beauty standards – these are the battles many wage against their own reflections. And while spiritual leaders preach the importance of inner beauty, sometimes their actions or words contradict their message.

The minister’s light-hearted banter about his family’s looks, while intended to ease us into his sermon, inadvertently reinforced the media’s obsession with outward appearances.

It can leave a jarring disconnect between the message of inner virtue and the speaker’s seemingly superficial values.

Similarly, jokes about baldness or physical imperfections, however well-meaning, can inflict genuine pain on those struggling with self-image.

Imagine if the speaker’s family faced physical challenges – would his humour carry the same weight? Perhaps not.

This disconnect between words and actions, this artificiality in the face of real human struggles, raises a crucial question: are these messages truly reaching our hearts, or simply echoing the values of the secular world?

If Christian speakers themselves succumb to the tyranny of outer beauty, what hope is there for the rest of us bombarded by media’s unrealistic ideals?

Here’s a challenge: instead of focusing on fleeting appearances, let’s shift our gaze inward. Ask yourself, “Am I a good person?”

The answer won’t lie in external validation, but in the quiet depths of your actions, your choices, your compassion for yourself and others.

Saving a life is a noble act, but true goodness can shine in countless everyday moments: a patient ear lent to a friend, a kind word to a stranger, a small act of service that ripples outward, touching lives unseen.

Let’s move beyond the superficial and celebrate the inner beauty that makes us all unique, flawed, and wonderfully human.

Let’s practice what we preach, with empathy, authenticity, and the unwavering belief that true beauty lies not in skin-deep perfection, but in the depths of our compassionate hearts.

Judging by appearances is easy, but embracing the complexities of inner beauty takes courage. Together, let’s choose compassion over critique, authenticity over artifice, and build a world where inner beauty illuminates not just our faces, but our very souls.

Thank you.


The Double Standard: Good Deeds vs. Good People

We cling to ideals of good people doing good deeds, yet we celebrate athletic prowess over personal morals. We laud second chances for troubled stars, conveniently ignoring the real motive – profit, not compassion.

Here in Brisbane, we marvel at Sarina, the self-made woman rubbing shoulders with global icons and Bill Clinton. Yet, we whisper about her unwavering admiration for a man stained by scandal. The question lingers: which measuring stick do we wield when judging character?

We, as fallible humans, stumble, make mistakes, and crave redemption. Politicians spin narratives, hiding misdeeds in a flurry of rhetoric. But are we, in our messy complexities, ever truly defined by a single act?

Christianity, in its radical grace, proposes an alternative. Salvation, it whispers, hinges not on a lifetime of spotless deeds, but on a single, heartfelt choice. No rigorous merit tests, just faith – a leap, an embrace of belief.

Consider the thief crucified beside Jesus. No saint, he committed a crime, yet found solace in the final moments. Jesus, in his boundless mercy, extended paradise not to the flawless, but to the remorseful.

This is the crux of the matter. Salvation is not earned through endless good deeds, but offered freely through one decisive act of faith. Every sinner stands an equal chance at redemption.

The prison guard’s observation paints a stark picture. Those in jail for accidental tragedies, condemned for a single, fateful moment, stand in stark contrast to the celebrated sports stars forgiven for much worse. Is justice truly served when past good deeds are eclipsed by one misstep?

Christianity offers a different path. It embraces the totality of our being, the good and the bad, and judges us not by the sum of our actions, but by the sincerity of our faith. One choice, one whispered “yes” to Jesus, washes away a lifetime of mistakes.

This is the true good news. No matter how much you’ve stumbled, no matter how far you’ve strayed, the door to grace remains open. A single act of faith, a surrender to love, is all it takes to be deemed not guilty, not by your own merits, but by the infinite mercy of God.

So, rejoice!

The bar is not set impossibly high. We, the flawed and the fallible, can grasp at salvation.
Let us choose faith, let us embrace forgiveness, and let us step into the light, not as perfect beings, but as forgiven sinners, ready to walk the path of goodness, one imperfect step at a time.

Thank you, and may God bless you all.


Filling Empty Cups.

A Celebration of Faith and Provision


I see you tonight. I see eyes searching for answers, hands clutching worries, hearts struggling with the weight of emptiness. Empty cupboards, empty wallets, empty promises – life can feel like a hollow echo sometimes. We explain it to ourselves in hushed whispers, to our children in desperate reassurances. But amidst the hollowness, a question burns: where is the miracle of provision?

Most preachers tell us to stir up faith, to pray harder, to give more. But what if there’s another way? A way that starts not with doing, but with remembering.

Remember your salvation experience? When the darkness lifted, when burdens crumbled, when the sun broke through the clouds of doubt. We got saved, and oh, how we celebrated! Healing flowed, addictions retreated, relationships blossomed. We were children embraced by a joyous Father, His heart overflowing with provision.

Think of the prodigal son. His father, consumed by worry, doesn’t wait for perfection. He rushes out, tears of relief blurring his vision, and smothers his son with love. Clothes, shoes, a ring – symbols of provision pouring from a heart brimming with joy. Like that father, our Heavenly Father celebrates our homecoming. He gave us His Son, the ultimate sacrifice, so how can He hold anything else back?

Salvation isn’t a one-time gift; it’s an eternal embrace. Like a loving marriage, provision isn’t just in the honeymoon phase; it’s the unwavering hand holding you through life’s storms. Maybe things haven’t gone as planned. The honeymoon faded, the routine set in, and we forgot to celebrate. But God’s love isn’t fickle. He doesn’t get bored or frustrated. His provision, like His love, is a fire that never goes out.

Remember Peter? Fishing all night, empty nets mirroring his soul. Then Jesus arrives, filling the boat with abundance. Peter falls at His feet, overwhelmed not just by provision, but by grace. We all make mistakes, stumble in the darkness. But our salvation decision, that’s the one thing we did right. On that foundation, God has forgiven us, forever.

Let’s go back to Peter. After his betrayal, guilt gnawed at him. Yet, on that lonely morning, he casts his net again. His past wouldn’t define him. And there, a miracle – the net overflowing, joy erupting as he jumps into the water. Just like Jesus forgave Peter, He’s waiting to receive us, brokenness, and all.

Friends, Jesus and provision go hand in hand. If you still have Jesus, you still have provision. And if your relationship needs mending, He’s the master repairman. Remember your salvation day, celebrate it with fresh faith, and let His rain melt away the stale doubts.

Don’t focus on what you lack; focus on what you’ve already received. Getting saved was the best decision you ever made. Celebrate it! Shout it from the rooftops, let joy dance in your eyes. You are no longer a guest in life, but a child welcomed home with open arms and overflowing cupboards.

So step out of the emptiness, friends. Let your nets hang open, ready for a fresh miracle. Let’s celebrate faith, provision, and the unending love of our Father. Because He is not a stingy landlord, but a generous host, and His bounty has no end.

Happy fishing! Happy living! Happy celebrating!




We have short-term problems and long-term problems.

The day of our salvation was a solution to all our problems.

Jesus got up and went with them to solve their problems.

Rain is expected by hopeful farmers at certain times of the year.

No rain means no crops.

When it rains, they celebrate.

Jesus was able to help the people who were in need.

Your salvation experience came about by a similar process.

Many people over the years played a part in the message of salvation getting to you.

Forgiveness was released like rain.

Without changing any other factor, your sins were washed away.

You have a testimony, an example of someone that experienced his amazing grace.

We can lift our eyes and look back at our experience of receiving this grace.

Was the solution to our present problem given to us at an earlier point of time.

God given ideas can fill the void, they can occupy a vast area of space.

After the arrival of Europeans, the springs enabled early exploration of new land.

Try and take a step backwards and relax, someone is watching.

Now I have an answer for my all my old problems.

Because you get an exact score with every game you play in golf.
You can compete against the score you got the last time you played.

His guilt about all his wrong behaviour, was a weight lifted from his shoulders.

Look at the holy mountain and see Jesus with all the honour given by his Father.

Only when the answer was fully grown did it fully manifest.

Some people say, “Don’t trust your feelings.”

A few years ago, we had the worst drought on record.

It depends on who you talk to, but then the rain came and we had floods.

“God will bless today you and greatly increase your numbers.”

This can happen to us because we are Abraham’s spiritual children.

“God can command a new level of blessing and success.”

He was going to wear a mark on his body that would remind him and his wife of God’s kindness.

This is your time to act responsibly.

Sarina joined good mate and former US president Bill Clinton.
And a host of Hollywood A-listers, to help honour “our global citizens”.
A term to describe those leading the way on a range of fronts around the world.

Wherever you are, blessing and success can flow and turn the barren desert into a garden.

Now everyone can see and appreciate your talent for finding a way through tough times.

Faith and strong actions: not just weak words.

The son and daughter forgave their father for all his mistakes.

And he promised to protect them, through their college years.

You cannot change the past, but your new attitude can cast its shadow backwards.
In a way that colours the past, and influences our character for good.

His boss said to him, ‘If I have found favour in your eyes, please stay.
The Lord has blessed my business because of you.’

Because all our believing switches are on and no one can turn them off.

He jumped into the river of God’s blessing.

Her family had a gracious attitude and offered to repay any money that was stolen.
And repair any relational damage that had been done.

And from that day on they have been helping and assisting her.

Look back to the day you met “the person” who helped you to recover.

God will bless you and your family by sending his special angel.


Written by Tony Egar.



The life of God is available and powerful.

Tomorrow our spiritual provision can appear in a slightly different way.

I saw my friend getting better recently; things have been working out for her.

She and others were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out.

When she recovered, her star was so bright that people from other nations could see it.

She remembers being in the right place at the right time.

I know the Lord and he will set me free.

No-one raised an eyebrow. It was normal, everyone was given their freedom.

Who expects freedom to suddenly emerge?

I have heard some claim that in our country,
less than 50% of “born-again” Christians attend church.

We are designed to operate the same way, all the controls are switched on.

Imagine if the shortage of supply lasted until now.

You were released from the empty way of life, handed down to you.

Now the results are stirring us to believe the next step is possible.

How does the blessing work?

If you are in a prosperous situation, it is the same blessing.

It does matter that God is supporting your project.

I call blessing every week into your house.

Forgiveness can be a key for all sorts of things.

Being filled with the Spirit, means coming under the blessing of the Holy Spirit.
And that means you can feel the blessing happening to you.
It is unmistakable when you have an encounter with the blessing of God.
There is an attitude in the church that says, “trust in his blessing.”

Without thinking we reply, “Provision is no problem!”

Sometimes the cloud of blessing stays on your life for years.

They were driving one day and suddenly received the blessing.

The book of Hebrews chapter 7 tells us that,
“The lesser person is blessed by the greater, because the blessing flows down.”

My thoughts go back to the American speaker in London.

He was inspirational.

You have been handed a key for a large increase of favour.

I want to leave you with this thought bubble:

Some people have been waiting for their answer and now it is surprising them.

It was the smallest of all good deeds, yet it grew and become the largest.

The older brother had a few issues with all the rules his younger brother had broken.

Some of us would feel that our faith is lacking, and others would feel that their faith is large.

Large faith says, “by serving the church I am a blessing.”

And may this blessing come back to you in all its fullness.


She came out of the desert a changed person and operated in a new level of success.

We can decide to add a little extra effort.

Some people are not discerning who Jesus is.
Or understanding how powerful He is.

“God blessing me, does not depend on my everyday words.”

In that statement was his friend’s miracle of blessing.

The Lord was gracious to this lady.
She became pregnant after being barren.
Over a period of years she became very successful.
During that whole time she was serving the Lord.

We can believe together for new opportunities.

But we also believe he gave us all that we will ever need.
We do not know what the future holds for our family or our friends.
He is able to provide ahead of time for all our personal needs.

But will we understand the wonderful idea of God’s provision?

By excluding the thousand loud voices of doubt.

You do not have to settle for second best if you understand his ways.

We refuse to hesitate when an opportunity passes by.

That could be God speaking to you.

The small still voice, that is so hard to hear.

Written by Tony Egar

Good people are coming to your home.

GOOD PEOPLE are coming to your house.
In this story we see people getting healed by changing where they are looking.
The scariest thing about a storm is that we do not know when it will end.

The stronger argument always wins over the weaker argument.
Joshua got into trouble because he did not ask God before he made his decision.
Remember…innocent people will get out of prison.
They had a warranty and they knew what it covered.
“He will also give new young life to your bodies.”
The people are trying to expand their area of influence by faith.
And because of that salvation decision, we have done enough!”
I command everything to go right in every area of your life.
Anyone in Australia could go to the police station and hand in their guns.
Without having to face any gun laws they had broken.
Of all your decisions, which one was the most important?
Which one has affected your life for eternity?
Most people, would not know how much faith they had in real time.
This is not sad music; this is your happy music.
You have received the right information.
The Israelites believed they were in the right place doing the right thing.
I command generous amounts of blessing to be given to you.
Well, that is how it’s going to be this time.
So, you are a winner after all.
Wow, what a turnaround.
It is from heaven.
The personality of this young mother made her a fit parent.
Everyone helped to improve the conditions in the house of this young lady.
She finally had all she needed to raise her young daughter.
Heaven helped her by sending good people.
May those people end up in your life.
“Dear reader, pay close attention to what wisdom says.”
Listen to his or her words.
Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small word.
I thought I had finished writing, now I am back writing with a new zeal.
Where did this urge come from?
But it can still motivate us today.
If there are words that are biting us today.
We can open our minds and look back at our salvation experience.
And realise that the solution was given to us at an earlier point of time.
Congratulations you got it right.
The law rules over people and then freedom comes.
We are about to see how winning an argument can change your health.
And get you over into the blessing that is on your life.
Your friends would say you are a good person.
The Bible says you are:
“A river that does not fail.”
The same result happened on the cross, Jesus won…the enemy lost.
“These people are drunk on joy.”
For permission requests, write to the author of your faith.
They made one right decision and they were going to enjoy that for the rest of their lives.
You know without a doubt that you are born-again and forgiven.
Isn’t Jesus the same yesterday and today?
Such a person is stable in all they do.
Here is another thought to confirm the message above.
We were born to live in freedom.
Whether it was an even or odd number, our birthday was the right number.
In sport you can be a bad player with a good character.
Okay maybe a few people need to lift their game.
Are You Insured from your mistakes?
One day all your dreams are going through a time of testing.
The next day you passed the test.
Written by Tony Egar